Improving Health Inequalities in Scarborough
Our Mission
SeeCHANGE Scarborough is an innovative cross sector partnership funded by the National Lottery Community Fund for three years to help realise a healthier Scarborough, where there are less health inequalities between the town and the rest of the country than at present.
The partnership has envisaged three main workstreams for itself over its funding life, namely:
- Giving a voice to the local Voluntary and Community Sector with the health service through a VCSE alliance for Scarborough.
- Working with businesses and other employers to work across sectors to improve workforce wellbeing.
- Pilot new ways of working from small community groups and groups of people in the town to achieve change.
Key Statistics
In 2021, just under 1 in 40 people (2.4%) said they were unemployed, compared with 3.7% in 2011. The percentage of retired Scarborough residents increased from 30.0% to 31.6%.
Central Heating
5% of households lack central heating
Overall crime is higher than average than across England
26% of people have no qualification
Between the last two censuses (held in 2011 and 2021), the population of Scarborough fell by 0.1%, from around 108,800 in 2011 to around 108,700 in 2021.
Between the last two censuses, the average (median) age of Scarborough increased by four years, from 46 to 50 years of age.
In Scarborough, the percentage of households in the social rented sector rose from 12.4% in 2011 to 13.8% in 2021. During the same period, the regional percentage fell from 18.1% to 17.3%.
In 2021, 8.4% of Scarborough residents were identified as being disabled and limited a lot. This figure decreased from 9.3% in 2011. These are age-standardised proportions.
Community Engagement
My name is Bex, i am SeeChange’s Community Engagement Officer
I have worked for Age UK NYCM since August 2022. I supported people over 50 with Employability, Health and Wellbeing since August 2022. Since leaving school, I have worked in the Charity Retail sector, a training provision delivering Maths, English, IT & Employability with young people, childminding and Holistic Massage Therapist.
I now work with SeeCHANGE to help make a difference in our community as Community Engagement Officer. I am genuinely excited to be part of SeeCHANGE and what could be life changing for Scarborough’s residents.
Our world has changed significantly over the last few years and our communities have dissolved. Being born and raised in Scarborough, it is important to me to see our local community regenerating and become connected again.
love being outside with a book, a cup of tea and even some wool creating things.
I also enjoy cycling and modern jive which are attempting to get me fitter!
Wellbeing in the Workforce
From the initial scoping exercise and then subsequent discussions with organisations that have expressed interest, we have two threads within this work stream we are looking to explore:
- A simple CSR policy that explores how the business community will support the health and wellbeing of the wider community and develop better links with the VCS to support with gifts/expertise in kind and a “VCS first” approach where businesses are looking to purchase health/wellbeing related training.
- A workforce wellbeing manifesto – how both businesses, health and the VCS will work together to improve wellbeing across our workforce
- Business led initiatives to address health inequalities, supported by the leadership team such as a cafe/restaurant commitment to increasing healthy eating options and offers.

Community Engagement
My name is Bex, i am SeeChange’s Community Engagement Officer
I have worked for Age UK NYCM since August 2022. I supported people over 50 with Employability, Health and Wellbeing since August 2022. Since leaving school, I have worked in the Charity Retail sector, a training provision delivering Maths, English, IT & Employability with young people, childminding and Holistic Massage Therapist.
I now work with SeeCHANGE to help make a difference in our community as Community Engagement Officer. I am genuinely excited to be part of SeeCHANGE and what could be life changing for Scarborough’s residents.
Our world has changed significantly over the last few years and our communities have dissolved. Being born and raised in Scarborough, it is important to me to see our local community regenerating and become connected again.
love being outside with a book, a cup of tea and even some wool creating things.
I also enjoy cycling and modern jive which are attempting to get me fitter!

Wellbeing in The Workforce
From the initial scoping exercise and then subsequent discussions with organisations that have expressed interest, we have two threads within this work stream we are looking to explore:
- A simple CSR policy that explores how the business community will support the health and wellbeing of the wider community and develop better links with the VCS to support with gifts/expertise in kind and a “VCS first” approach where businesses are looking to purchase health/wellbeing related training.
- A workforce wellbeing manifesto – how both businesses, health and the VCS will work together to improve wellbeing across our workforce
- Business led initiatives to address health inequalities, supported by the leadership team such as a cafe/restaurant commitment to increasing healthy eating options and offers.
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