Applications for Community Engagement Funding are now open!

Applications for Community Engagement Funding are now open!

Great news! Our applications for Community Engagement Funding are now open! Please do not hesitate to contact Bex. If you have any questions, would like to talk anything over or would like some assistance with the application forms which can be downloaded by clicking...
Finding Our Voice 3

Finding Our Voice 3

27th June 2023 You are warmly invited to our Finding Our Voice 3 – What do we need to have a ‘good’ life conference, world café style at The Street on Tuesday 27th June at 10am – 3pm. Finding Our Voice 3 is aimed at exploring what we need to have a good life,...
Finding Our Voice 3

Finding Our Voice 2 – Let’s Talk About the NHS

17th April 2023 Attendance: 35 people attended the event from a mix of organisations, institutions and individuals Participants were asked to use post it notes, and conversations with other participants, to identify issues and concerns with various areas of the NHS /...