Bursary Funding

What is SeeCHANGE?

It’s a way of bringing together people who have great ideas about how to improve the health and wellbeing of people living in Scarborough with the people who can help bring those ideas to life.

Scarborough town

Who can apply?

SeeCHANGE welcomes applications for our bursary fund. SeeCHANGE feels that our local small organisations should have the opportunity to be able access NHS training and events to widen knowledge and experience to enable them to help their community in a more informed way. Money awarded by The National Lottery Community helps to fund these opportunities.

Small local organisation can attend an event such as NHS training, NHS Health & Wellbeing events, SeeCHANGE- Find our Voice Events, Patient’s Voice forums.

To be eligible for the bursary the organisation would have no more than 5 full time staff or less than 400 hours in total per week.

The organisation can apply for a bursary of up to £150 to cover some of the costs connected with attending the event e.g. Travel, money towards wages/cover for the time taken to attend meetings, attendance fees if applicable etc.

SeeChange is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.